2003 | ||
21/4/03 | Night | Elie Wiesel |
9/5/03 | Building Learning Power | Guy Claxton |
20/5/03 | Main Currents of Marxism (I) | Leszek Kolakowski |
24/5/03 | number9dream | David Mitchell |
2/6/03 | Transform Your Life | Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
8/6/03 | Tiger! Tiger! | Alfred Bester |
20/6/03 | The Life of Milarepa | Lobsang P. Lhalungpa |
26/6/03 | Dark Sun | Richard Rhodes |
5/7/03 | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen | Alan Moore |
18/7/03 | Native Tongue | Suzette Haden Elgin |
18/7/03 | The Vagina Monologues | Eve Ensler |
22/7/03 | Neutron Star | Larry Niven |
23/7/03 | Deconstruction Derrida | Julian Wolfreys |
26/7/03 | Lucky | Alice Sebold |
4/8/03 | The Female Man | Joanna Russ |
7/8/03 | The Color Purple | Alice Walker |
13/8/03 | Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison |
17/8/03 | The Shrinking Man | Richard Matheson |
20/8/03 | The Perfect Storm | Sebastian Junger |
22/8/03 | World of Ptavvs | Larry Niven |
26/8/03 | The Hungry Ocean | Linda Greenlaw |
30/8/03 | The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold |
28/9/03 | False Memory | Dean Koontz |
30/10/03 | The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Improving Your Memory |
Michael Kurland
Richard Lupoff |
30/10/03 | Mapping Inner Space | Nancy Margulies |
1/11/03 | Use Your Memory | Tony Buzan |
1/11/03 | Making Dreams Come True | Vicki Bennett |
9/11/03 | Creative Visualisation | Shakti Gawain |
25/11/03 | Emotional Intelligence | Daniel Goleman |
2/12/03 | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time | Mark Haddon |
6/12/03 | Introducing NLP |
Joseph O’Connor
John Seymour` |
8/12/03 | Achieving Emotional Intelligence | Claude Steiner |
12/12/03 | The Christmas Mystery | Jostein Gaarder |
15/12/03 | Jacques Derrida | Nicholas Royle |
19/12/03 | Giacomo Joyce | James Joyce |
20/12/03 | Real Presences | George Steiner |